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The latest sales list of new energy vehicles this week!

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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New energy vehicle brand sales are released in the latest week from December 18 to December 24. Judging from the ranking of the list, the top three car companies in weekly sales are BYD, Tesla and Wuling respectively. Among them, BYD continued to top the list with weekly sales of 63900 vehicles, while Tesla and Wuling sold 18500 and 13600 vehicles respectively.

Compared with the previous week (December 11-December 17), the ranking of the three car companies did not change, but all increased to varying degrees. As a reference, BYD, Tesla and Wuling sold 51700, 18300 and 11900 vehicles respectively the previous week.

It is common for BYD to remain at the top of the list, with cumulative sales of 180000 vehicles from December 1 to December 24, according to data. Official figures show that in the first 11 months of this year, BYD sold 2.6834 million vehicles, an increase of 64.29% over the same period last year. According to the 3 million annual sales target, BYD needs to sell 316600 vehicles in December to meet its target. This also means that BYD is under a lot of pressure in the last week of this month.

In terms of other brands, ideal cars and Ian continued to enter the top five, of which Ian ranked fifth with 8600 vehicles. In addition, Volkswagen, Changan Automobile, Zhangjie, Zero car and Xilai Motor also made it into the top 10. Among them, Xiaopeng Motor has fallen off the list from the ninth place in the previous week (December 11-December 17).

In terms of the new power brand sales list, ideal car, question line and zero-running cars are respectively in the top three. Among them, the ideal car leads the new force with weekly sales of 12100 vehicles. According to the breakdown of models, the sales of the three models on sale under the ideal car are all more than 3000, of which the highest selling model is the ideal L7, which is 4900. The weekly sales of the ideal L8 and ideal L9 are 3800 and 3400 respectively.

As of the 24th, a total of 36400 ideal cars were delivered in December. Ideal Motors said: "continue to launch an impact on the monthly sales target of 50,000 vehicles." According to the data, ideal cars delivered 41030 new cars in November, up 1.50 percent from the previous month and 172.91 percent over the same period last year, setting a new record for monthly deliveries. This is also the first time that it has delivered more than 40,000 vehicles a month for the first time this year. In response, ideal said: "We will continue to challenge the target of delivering 50,000 vehicles in December, with adequate preparations for capacity-building, including sales, supply, manufacturing, delivery and so on." Ideal car CEO Li Xiang also said: "December challenges 50, 000 deliveries! ideal L7 challenges 20, 000 deliveries!" The previous 24-day delivery data means that in the following week, ideal weekly sales of 13600 vehicles will reach the target of 50, 000 delivered in December.

Weekly sales of QQ and Zero cars were 6000 and 4200, respectively. Xilai and Xiaopeng ranked 4th and 5th respectively, with weekly deliveries of 4100 and 3900 respectively. In addition to the top five of the list, including Deep Blue, Polar Krypton, Zhiji, Tengli and Lantu are also in the top 10.

In terms of luxury brand sales list, BMW, Audi, Tesla, Mercedes-Benz and ideal all sold more than 10,000 vehicles, which were 21100, 20900, 18500, 15200 and 12100 respectively. Tesla fell from the top of the previous week to the third on the list, but delivery increased from 18300 to 18500. In addition, ideal car is the highest ranked Chinese brand on the list.

In addition to the above models, Lexus, Cadillac, Volvo, Ulay and Polar Krypton also made it into the top 10 luxury brand sales list. Compared with the previous week (December 11-December 17), the most significant change in the latest week's list is that it fell out of the top 10 and was replaced by polar krypton, which sold 2800 vehicles a week.

Overall, compared with the previous week (December 11-December 17), the sales of most car companies increased in the new week. After entering December, car companies, including BYD, Zero and Polar Krypton, have all launched different degrees of time-limited concessions, which are expected to further boost the sales of car companies.

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