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BYD Sea Lion 07EV interior official picture released!

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On April 22nd, the official picture of the new SUV-- Sea Lion 07 EV interior under BYD Ocean Network was officially released.

According to the official official picture, the interior of the new car adopts a new design, and the overall design is simple. The center console uses a penetrating black trim panel, the full liquid crystal instrument is a hidden design, and the bottom is a silver trim panel with dark lines. The center console area does not use any physical keys. The size of the suspended central control screen is 15.6in. It is equipped with DiLink 100th car system. And provide DiPilot 100eye of the gods high-level intelligent driving assistance system. In addition, the new car is also equipped with a new style of four-spoke steering wheel, the interior is equipped with silver panels, the overall sense of science and technology.

Sea Lion 07 EV first made its debut at the 2023 Guangzhou Motor Show. The new car is BYD's first medium-sized pure electric SUV, based on BYD e platform 3.0. it uses battery body integrated CTB (Cell to Body) technology, pure electric drive, and BYD's latest generation of smart driving technology. it will face a 200000-yuan market in the future, with an estimated price range of 200000-260000 yuan.

In terms of appearance, the new car is built with the family-style marine aesthetic design concept of Ocean net, and the front face basically continues the design style of the previous Ocean X concept car. The new car uses the iconic "C" day light with the sharp shape of the headlamp group, coupled with the exaggerated three-stage air intake design, the overall dynamic. In addition, the bulging lines of the new car engine also enhance the muscular sense of the vehicle. On the side of the body, the shape of the new car is more stretched, and the graceful and smooth curve of the roof extends to the rear to form a slip-back design, showing a good visual effect, while the rising shoulder line and simple double waist line design also enhance the movement flavor of the vehicle. In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4830/1925/1620mm and wheelbase 2930mm respectively. In the rear part, the overall shape of the new car basically echoes with the front, using through-type taillight design, and equipped with a new style of luminous LOGO. In addition, the new car has a spoiler at the top of the rear and a diffuser design around the rear, which once again enhances the sense of motion of the vehicle.

In terms of power, with reference to the previous declaration information, the new car is expected to provide three forms of power, of which the two-wheel drive version will provide 230kW and 170kW motors respectively, and the maximum motor power before and after the four-wheel drive version is 160kW and 230kW, respectively.

It is understood that the future Ocean Network will integrate the SUV model for the Sea Lion IP and the sedan model for the Seal IP to form a Gemini strategy. Ocean car series is a new product launched by BYD in 2021, which is subdivided into marine life series, warship series and e series products, which are sold in two channels: ocean net and dynasty net, respectively.

At present, BYD has launched four major brands, including BYD, Teng Teng, equation Leopard and look up, with product prices ranging from one million luxury to less than 100000 yuan. And dynasty net and ocean net are the main selling products of BYD, in which dynasty net occupies most of the market share, and a number of products dominate in the passenger car market segment. Taking the past 2023 as an example, retail data show that BYD Qin PLUS New Energy, Song PLUS New Energy and Yuan PLUS ranked in the top three in 2023, with sales of 434000, 390000 and 310000 respectively, with a total sales of 1.134 million vehicles, accounting for 41.9% of BYD's total car sales.

According to the plan, BYD has set a target of 45-5 million vehicles in 2024, 150-2 million more than the target of 3 million in 2023. However, the car market in 2024 is different from that in 2023, and competition in the new energy market will become fiercer this year, as to whether BYD can attract more consumers or become an important part of BYD's ability to meet its annual sales targets.

The latest figures show that BYD sold 626263 vehicles in the first quarter of this year, up 13.44 per cent from a year earlier.

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