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MONA! Xiaopeng new brand announced

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Today, at the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, Xiaopeng's new brand MONA was unveiled. Xiaopeng CEO he Xiaopeng said at the scene: the moral of the MONA brand is Made Of New AI, the new brand positioning global AI smart car popularization.

He Xiaopeng did not reveal much about the MONA brand at the Beijing auto show, saying only that the MONA brand is a new species that subverts innovation and will release more information in June. In the second half of this year, it is hoped that the MONA brand will sell better than the Xiaomi SU7. At the same time, he Xiaopeng also said: "I have a lot of exchanges with Lei Jun, Lei's total marketing ability is stronger than me, but my technical ability is better than him."

In fact, the MONA brand was last year Xiaopeng signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Didi in August, the two sides will launch a new electric vehicle brand, the project code name "MONA". According to previous official news, the first product of the MONA brand is positioned as an A-class smart electric car, priced at about 150000 yuan, will be mass produced this year and will be sold to C-end and B-end. Xiaopeng Automobile has said that the positioning of the MONA brand and Xiaopeng's existing brand products form a differential positioning.

From the price point of view, it is not difficult to see that the new brand is mainly entering the middle and low end of the market. At present, Xiaopeng has six models on sale: G3, P7, P5, G6, G9 and X9. From the price of models, we can see that the price range of these models is mainly concentrated in the range of 15-400000 yuan.

He Xiaopeng is confident about the new brand launched in cooperation with Didi. He Xiaopeng has pointed out that annual sales of MONA are expected to reach 100000 vehicles. On March 16, he Xiaopeng also posted a personal Weibo post to cheer for the new brand, saying that there is huge market potential in the price range of 10-150000. But it is extremely difficult to really build a good car in this range that is excellent in all aspects, equipped with the smart driving ability that we are best at, and has the right profit. This requires enterprises to have a strong scale and systematization ability, and many competitors are also exploring in this price range, but the brand that can achieve the ultimate smart driving experience here has not yet emerged. Today, finally ready, I believe that the MONA brand will be a new species of subversive innovation.

Of course, Xiaopeng's rush to launch a new brand has something to do with the disruption of sales of its products in the market in recent years. Figures show that Xiaopeng sold 9026 cars in March, compared with 21821 in the first quarter of this year.

Xiaopeng Motor has no way to make a breakthrough in the middle and high-end model market, and the loss is also increasing. Statistics show that Xiaopeng's loss last year was as high as 10.376 billion yuan. From 2018 to 2023, Xiaopeng's losses were 1.399 billion yuan, 3.692 billion yuan, 2.732 billion yuan, 4.863 billion yuan, 9.139 billion yuan and 103.76 billion yuan respectively, with a cumulative loss of 32.2 billion yuan in six years.

Under such factors as poor sales, sharp increase in losses and fierce competition in the current new energy vehicle market, Xiaopeng can only pin its hopes on the MONA brand with a price range of 10-150000. But it should be noted that although the 10-150000 yuan level has huge market potential, most of the market share in this field has been won by BYD. Xiaopeng wants to get a place in this field, in addition to price concessions, it has to be unique. In addition, it has to face competition from BYD Qin Plus, Dolphin, Yuan Plus and other models. MONA is not easy to become a popular style product in this field.

In fact, Xiaopeng earlier also tried to enter the market of 10-150000 yuan. The official Xiaopeng G3i model was launched in 2021. The new car is a medium-term revamped model of the Xiaopeng G3 with a price range of 14.98 yuan to 185800 yuan. However, sales of new cars are very mediocre after the launch. Data show that the cumulative sales of Xiaopeng G3/G3i from 2020 to 2022 were 10744, 29721 and 17336 respectively. Or sales are not good, two models were officially discontinued last year. At the time, Xiaopeng said it was based on the company's long-term planning.

The launch of the new brand MONA in the field of 10-150000 yuan can be seen as a strong return of Xiaopeng with the help of Didi, hoping to achieve a win-win situation with Didi's strong customer base and Xiaopeng's self-developed XNGP technology. According to the official target of 280000 vehicles this year, the current completion rate of Xiaopeng is less than 10%. With the arrival of MONA, it remains to be seen whether it can become a popular style and help Xiaopeng achieve its annual sales target.

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