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Tesla lifted the ban one after another!

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On April 28, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers and the National computer Network Emergency Technology processing Coordination Center issued a circular on the testing of four safety requirements for automobile data processing (the first batch). The bulletin shows that a total of 76 models from six companies, including BYD, ideal Automobile, Lutes Technology, United New Energy, Tesla and Xilai, meet the four compliance requirements for automobile data safety. Tesla is the only foreign company that meets the compliance requirements.

The models produced by Tesla in the Shanghai factory meet the relevant national standards, including anonymous processing such as face information outside the car, no collection of cockpit data by default, in-car processing of cockpit data, and significant notification of four compliance requirements for handling personal information, sparking heated discussions in the automobile industry. For a long time, Tesla's data security issues have attracted much attention, such as whether users take photos and upload them to the cloud when driving Tesla vehicles, and whether Tesla's data collection will be uploaded abroad, and whether it involves state secrets, and so on. As a result, Tesla is unable to get in and out normally on some occasions, such as airports.

It is understood that Tesla established a data center in Shanghai as early as 2021 to achieve localized storage and reduce the risk of secret leakage. in addition, he also introduced a third-party organization to audit the company's information security management system. Tesla said that Tesla's automobile compliance meets China's relevant requirements for automobile data processing safety, and is conducive to the comprehensive lifting of the traffic ban and parking restrictions on Tesla and other smart cars (such as government units, airports, highways, etc.). More Tesla and smart car owners can feel more at ease to buy and use brands that meet the relevant safety requirements.

After the data security problem of Tesla is solved, it will also take a key step for the compliance of FSD smart driving. Tesla CEO Musk was invited to visit China on April 28. It is believed that the focus of the trip is to promote the landing of autopilot in China. Premier Li Qiang of the State Council and Ren Hongbin, president of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, met Musk and exchanged views on the next step of cooperation and other topics.

Li Qiang said that Tesla's development in China can be regarded as a successful example of Sino-US economic and trade cooperation. China's super-large-scale market will always be open to foreign enterprises. The Chinese side is true to its words and will continue to make efforts to expand market access and strengthen service guarantee, so as to provide foreign-funded enterprises with a better business environment and stronger comprehensive support, so that enterprises from all countries can feel at ease and invest in China. Mr Musk said that thanks to the diligence and wisdom of the Chinese team, the Shanghai super factory was Tesla's best-performing factory. Tesla is willing to further deepen cooperation with China and achieve more win-win results.

As to whether China will allow Tesla's fully self-driving technology to operate in China, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said, "We treat domestic and foreign enterprises equally and equally. We welcome foreign enterprises to continue to deepen cooperation with China." share the fruits of China's economic development, and hope that foreign-funded enterprises will abide by China's laws and regulations and fulfill their safety commitments. "

FSD's full name is Full Self-Drive, which means fully autopilot. Tesla officially released the FSD Beta (beta version) version of Q3 in 2020. FSD is a bright spot of Tesla brand model, which is much more advanced than the automatic driving technology in the current market. Tesla carries out path planning and decision-making by combining vehicles with high-precision maps and real-time data, in order to achieve safe driving and accurate operation of vehicles, automatic parking, automatic auxiliary lane change, automatic identification of traffic lights and automatic response, parking intelligent summoning and other functional requirements. However, after the launch of FSD, it was also questioned, and relevant departments in the United States also investigated it many times because of the obvious increase in the number of accidents after Tesla launched FSD, and whether Tesla had deceptive publicity when promoting FSD, so Tesla conducted many large-scale recalls. However, due to legal problems, Tesla's FSD has never been introduced into the domestic market, and although Musk visited China, the timing of the introduction of FSD is still unknown. After all, China's urban roads are complex and diverse, and traffic regulations are also different from those in North America. Tesla still faces many challenges to open up a new situation with FSD.

Tesla needs a new thrill in China. Musk's visit to China coincides with the Beijing auto show. Tesla continued the tradition of previous years and did not participate in the exhibition, and Musk did not visit the auto show. It is understood that the last time Tesla participated in the A-Class Auto Show in China was at the 2021 Shanghai Auto Show, and he no longer participated after a major rights incident occurred at the scene, but today Tesla's domestic models are still only Model 3 and Model Y models, of which Model 3 has been on the market for 7 years and Model Y has been on the market for 4 years.

A few days ago, Tesla released his first-quarter results. According to the data, Tesla's operating income in the first quarter of 2024 was US $21.301 billion, down 8.69% from the same period last year and 15.36% from the previous month, lower than market expectations. It was also the first year-on-year decline in operating revenue since 2020 and the biggest decline since 2012. In terms of profits, Tesla's performance was even less optimistic, with a net profit of only $1.13 billion in the first quarter, down 55.07% from a year earlier and below market expectations of $1.9 billion. During the reporting period, Tesla's gross profit margin was 17.4%, compared with 17.6% in the previous quarter and 19.3% in the same period.

Tesla's latest financial report is obviously "disappointed", which is mainly due to market concerns on car delivery. In the first quarter of this year, Tesla delivered 386000 new cars worldwide, down 8.5% from the same period last year and far below Wall Street's forecast of 449000. It is understood that this is the first time that Tesla's delivery has fallen below 400000 vehicles since the third quarter of 2022, and it is also the first quarterly delivery decline since the second quarter of 2020, when the decline was mainly due to the epidemic.

Although the performance fell far short of market expectations, Tesla soared in the secondary market after Musk revealed that Tesla's cheap model would be launched in early 2025, even in late 2024. However, at present, the competition in the domestic automobile market is so fierce that there are many unknowns even if Tesla launches cheap models in the Chinese market.

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