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Guangzhou Auto Toyota announced that the Camry could not sell Passat.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On the evening of February 1st, Guangzhou Auto Toyota released KuaiBao's sales in the first month of the year. Data show that Guangzhou Auto Toyota sold 71875 vehicles in January 2024, an increase of 17.6% over the same period last year.

In terms of specific models, the three flagship models of Guangzhou Auto Toyota (Camry, Hanlanda and Sena) have a total sales of 30532 vehicles, accounting for 42.5% of the total sales. Of these, Camry sold 16352 vehicles in January, up 13.6 per cent from a year earlier. Hanlanda sold 7204 vehicles, up 50.1% from the same period last year. In recent months, Hanlanda's sales have basically stabilized at more than 6000 vehicles. Sena sold 6976 vehicles, up 5.4 per cent from a year earlier. In addition, the Weilanda family sold 12994 vehicles, up 68.4% from a year earlier.

Previous data showed that Guangzhou Auto Toyota had annual retail sales of 901025 vehicles in 2023, ranking first in Japan, third in joint ventures and sixth in the industry, but failed to achieve its goal of selling more than one million vehicles in a row. It is understood that 2024 will be the product year of Guangzhou Auto Toyota, the flagship model Camry will be put on the market, and the platinum wisdom brand brand new A + class pure electric SUV and pure electric medium-sized sedan will also be listed this year.

The ninth generation Camry made its debut at the 2023 Guangzhou Motor Show and officially launched its pre-sale on January 1. the new car launched a total of nine models, including four gasoline versions and four electric hybrid twin engine models, of which the gasoline version was pre-priced at 17.38-199900 yuan and the electric hybrid version was priced at 18.18-208800 yuan. It is understood that the new Camry is based on the TNGA-K platform, the wheelbase for the 2825mm is consistent with the old model, and the power provides 2.0L gasoline / gas-electric hybrid, of which the maximum power of the 2.0L fuel version is 127kW.

Adhering to the principle of buying the new rather than the old, as the ninth generation Camry is about to be put on the market, consumers are in a wait-and-see state, and the Camry has not sold as much as its peers in recent months. In January sales, for example, SAIC-Volkswagen Passat sold 27777 vehicles in the first month of the year, making it the best-selling model in the medium-sized car market.

It is understood that Passat will also be replaced this year, Passat has not yet completed the new car declaration in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, sister model FAW-Volkswagen brand new Maiteng is expected to launch faster than Passat. With reference to overseas models, the new Passat will provide two modeling options, both of which use upper and lower split grille design, the main difference is the lower air intake shape. Among them, the fuel version uses a large-size three-stage air inlet design, and adds dense stripes to adorn the interior to enhance the sense of refinement, while the R-Line version adopts the through-type air inlet design and adds black mesh elements inside, with silver kits on both sides to enhance the sense of movement. On the power side, it is expected to be in line with the models on sale, still offering 1.4T engines and 2.0T high / low power engines, as well as plug-in hybrid models.

It is understood that in addition to the new Passat, SAIC Volkswagen plans to launch the L Pro, the new Polo, the production version and a compact SUV in 2024. Retail data show that SAIC-Volkswagen (excluding Skoda / Audi) sold 1.378 million vehicles in 2023, second only to BYD, which had 2.8161 million (excluding momentum / equation leopard / look up).

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