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Zhou Hongyi talked about surpassing Tesla, both manufacturing and digitization need to be grasped.

2024-06-02 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Recently, at the World Internet Conference in 2021, Zhou Hongyi, founder of 360 Group, said in an interview with the media: "some people think that my investment in cars is not a disorderly expansion of capital, but it is not, because the state has to support Smart Netcar." because it is not just the automobile industry, it is a convergence of advanced manufacturing and digital industries, both of which need to be very strong. China has done a good job in the manufacturing capacity of traditional manufacturing over the years, but in order to surpass Elon Musk and Tesla in the future, it must require all kinds of digital technology, cloud computing technology, big data's ability, AI's ability, self-driving ability, and especially the ability of network security. "


According to relevant data: on May 10, 360 Guan Xuan joined hands with Nahan Automobile to officially enter the field of smart cars. When it comes to why cars are built, Zhou Hongyi said that during the four industrial revolutions, China did not catch up with the first three times, now the digital transformation, the use of various industries to achieve upgrading, digitization is the second half, the industrial Internet, the digitalization of the manufacturing industry, the vanguard of the intelligent network, can not be missed in the second half. As for the phenomenon that Internet companies have entered the market to build cars, Zhou Hongyi said that there are still too few Internet cars. He believes that there is only one Tesla in the United States, but there are a lot of Internet companies in China. At present, the smart car industry includes not only traditional big car manufacturers, but also IT, software companies, artificial intelligence and big data, Internet and security companies. China may have a comprehensive subversion of the world automobile industry in the future. Zhou Hongyi said that the joint car maker of 360and Nezha will not be a luxury car, but hopes to use the power of technology to be a smart car that ordinary people can afford, to make a car of about 100000, not to make a toy car, but to make a real SUV.


Zhou Hongyi commented on the "Tesla price reduction" earlier, saying: "if the world's number one smart car brands are driving down their prices, it means it wants scale and quantity, and this is what really subverts it." Tesla's continuous price reduction has both advantages and disadvantages to other enterprises, and can force everyone to raise the level. From the perspective of market development, several new energy vehicles have achieved a big increase in sales in China, but compared with Tesla's sales, there is still a certain gap. According to relevant data, Tesla's Shanghai factory sold 44264 cars in August, including 31379 for export. Tesla sold 12885 vehicles in China in August. A total of 6613 cars were delivered in August and 33728 from January to August.

With the continuous entry of Internet technology companies into the automobile industry, electrification and intelligence will gradually become the trend of automobile development in the future, and this transformation will also have a great impact on the traditional automobile market formed in the past hundred years. In the Chinese market, Tesla's sense of technology may be difficult to replace for consumers, and self-driving is also tested by Tesla ahead of other new car-building powers. Whether we can surpass Tesla in the future, as Zhou Hongyi said, we must have all kinds of digital technology, cloud computing technology, big data's ability, AI's ability, autopilot, and network security ability.

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