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BMW announced that the global delivery volume exceeded 170000 units in January.

2024-06-10 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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A few days ago, BMW announced its global sales in January 2019. Data show that the total global sales of BMW Group in January 2019 was 170463 vehicles, a slight increase of 0.5% compared with the same period last year.

Of the global sales in January, the BMW brand sold 149616 models, up 0.5 per cent from a year earlier to 20575, down 1.7 per cent from a year earlier.

屏幕快照 2019-02-14 上午11.42.00.png

Although BMW Group's global sales have increased only slightly, BMW officials are still confident about this year's sales. The BMW X5 and X7 will be the driving force behind this year's sales growth in 2019, due to a slight increase in sales in January as a result of BMW's three-series changes, according to officials.

In terms of current models, the biggest increase in the BMW brand in January was the BMW X3, with sales of 22818 vehicles, up 138.3% from a year earlier. Sales of electric vehicles in BMW Group increased sharply in January, with the BMW Group delivering 7234 electric vehicles in January, up 1.4 per cent from the same period last year. BMW i3 sold 2598 vehicles in January, up 30.4 per cent from a year earlier, while BMW 530e sold 1772 vehicles, up 82 per cent from a year earlier.

As the first year of BMW's electrification in 2019, its electric vehicles will be the key to BMW's continued global sales growth this year. Among them, BMW attaches great importance to the Chinese market. In 2019, BMW launched 21 models in China. In the field of SUV, large-scale SUV BMW X7, new BMW X6, domestic BMW X2 and medium-term modified BMW X1 are ready to start. BMW X3M and BMW X4M two high-performance SUV are also expected to be introduced into China. As for cars, the new BMW 8-Series coupe, the medium-term revamped BMW 7-Series, the new BMW 3-Series and the BMW 1-Series sports version will be put on sale this year.

The sales targets of the major car companies tend to be conservative in 2019, and BMW's official spokesman only said that sales will grow slightly, but BMW has also shown its sincerity that BMW will not be too bad in 2019.

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