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A 4S store remarked to the car owner "love for cheap", and the car owner was furious when he saw it.

2024-05-16 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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A joint venture brand 4S store in a checkout, to the car owner notes, "this customer attention reception, media figures, love cheap", car owners furious after reading, angrily ask for an explanation. In response to this matter, the manager of the 4S store also responded.



On June 23, Mr. Loudiyan in Hunan exposed to the media that a few months ago, he had accidentally crashed his car, damaged the lights and bumper, and sent the car to the 4S store for repair. after it was repaired, the 4S store was asked to open a list. It was found that the 4S store staff noted on the customer profile, "this customer pays attention to reception, media figures, love cheap".

The owner of the car, Mr. Yan, said he was angry and furious after seeing the remarks, saying that he was indeed a media worker and had no conflict with the 4S store, so he contacted the 4S store manager and asked for an explanation.

Mr. Yan, the owner of the car, said to the manager of the 4S store, "being cheap is the key. Where am I greedy?" This must be explained! "



The 4S store manager replied on Wechat that after an internal meeting, they criticized the practice of marking customer characteristics and ordered them to correct it. And has apologized to the car owner, it is not clear who made the remarks, but it is only the employee's personal opinion.

"there are three receptionists who have contacted you. Both Xiao Zhang and Xiao Dai said that they had not changed the remarks. Xiao Yuan was no longer on the job, and it was difficult for me to ask! The main purpose of the reception staff to add notes to customers is to record customers' habits and preferences, to facilitate better service, but also to facilitate work! Remarks are often a kind of personal judgment and cognition, so everyone looks at the other person differently. " The manager of the 4S store said that the receptionist will register accordingly when the customer arrives at the store and may have some misunderstandings about the customer and has apologized on behalf of the company.

Some netizens think, "4S shop is wrong, although it is too much, but it should also be true." What do you think of this?

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