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No longer deceiving consumers, electric vehicles cancel the constant speed promotion.

2024-05-15 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > Industry Report >


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As we all know, battery life is one of the core competitiveness of an electric vehicle, but many domestic car companies are still promoting "60km/h constant speed" to mislead consumers and deliberately exaggerate the battery life of electric vehicles. Often we will see how many manufacturers advertise the maximum service life, which can almost reach 500-600km, but the actual use is greatly reduced.

Only publicizing the bad atmosphere of maximum service life has become a major means for domestic electric vehicles to compete and survive. Now, it's time to ban it.

Earlier, Auto Home founder, car and CEO Li wanted to criticize the car companies for such propaganda on Weibo, saying that the electric car still promoting driving at the same speed as 60km/h was so humiliating that it even posted such false mileage figures on the car's butt that competitor Tesla hit the door.


Under the criticism of Li Xiang and most of the media, many car companies have given up the maximum range as a promotional selling point, and only use the NEDC integrated life logo.

For example, the official website of NIO has removed the promotion of the maximum range of 500km, leaving only the NEDC comprehensive mileage of 355km.

Xiaopeng Motor also officially announced that in order to avoid misunderstanding among consumers, it canceled the promotion of constant speed mileage and replaced it all with NEDC comprehensive mileage data. The comprehensive range of Xiaopeng G3 NEDC is 365km.

He Xiaopeng, chairman of Xiaopeng Motor, also said that "false" constant speed or even 50 km constant speed or false car labels will certainly increase sales, but it will certainly affect word-of-mouth in the long run.

Many own-brand electric cars put the number of maximum range on their buttocks, such as the newly launched BYD EV 600s, which directly affix the maximum range to the rear of the car, while the car has 500km mileage on NEDC.


Then there is Geometry A, Geely's new electric car, which is ready to be put on the market. The official poster has promoted the maximum range of 510 and 600, and the model name also uses the name of 510 and 600 directly. After media criticism, Geely finally marked 410 and 500 km of integrated operating range, but the model name still continues the number of constant speed.

In Li Xiang's words, it feels like a great leap forward to paste such false mileage figures directly on your ass, so don't get high with these shameful propaganda.

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