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Bought Audi's new car but bought a second-hand car, 4S store said that there was something wrong with it.

2024-05-29 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Ms. Ding from Shaoxing, Zhejiang ordered an Audi A3 at the 4S store, which was 30,000 yuan cheaper than the same model. Ms. Ding thought she had found it cheap, but later found that it was not simple.

On May 31st, Ms. Ding took a fancy to an Audi A3 at the Hongao Audi 4S store in Shaoxing, but thought the price of 210000 was a little high. The salesperson immediately took Ms. Ding to the exhibition hall on the second floor, where there was a same Audi A3 parked. The price is 30, 000 cheaper than downstairs.


Ms. Ding said that this Audi A3 is indeed a new car, because the film inside has not yet been unsealed, it was really exciting at that time, because the price of this car is indeed much cheaper than that of the same model. As for why the discount rate is so large, the salesperson said that there was nothing wrong with the car, just that it had been invoiced.

You can see that the Audi A3 ordered by Ms. Ding was manufactured in May this year, with only 16 kilometers. It does look like a new car, but how can the discount rate of this car be so big? Ms. Ding did not think carefully about what it meant to have issued an invoice. Thinking that she had picked up a big bargain, she paid a deposit of 10,000 yuan and signed a sales contract on the spot. But when she got home, her family told her that invoicing didn't mean it had been sold. This is not a new car, this is clearly a used car!


Ms. Ding returned to the 4S store again and asked that the car had not only been invoiced, but also licensed. Do 4S stores sell second-hand cars as new ones? In response to the question, the 4S store's response was also unexpected.

The sales director of 4S store said that customers may need to enjoy additional discounts when buying a new car, so we combine the ways and methods of manufacturers to let other customers buy a car first, and then sell it back to us after the new car is listed. It's to give customers a bigger profit.

The 4S store means that the car is indeed a new car, but the formalities are second-hand. At some special nodes, the 4S store will assign a customer to buy cars directly from the manufacturer, and can enjoy a certain discount when reaching a certain number. These cars can be bought back by the 4S store and can be bought at a lower price when they are sold for the second time.


Ms. Ding has figured out the origin of this car, but there are other problems with this car. As can be seen in the car purchase contract, including a purchase tax of 14500 yuan, why should a second-hand car buy a tax?


The sales director said that 14500 yuan is included in the total price of the car, that is, our internal account sharing will make this bill, and at the same time for customers to better understand how the total price is formed.

Ms. Ding said she could not accept the explanation of the 4S store. In the past, she coveted a discount of 30, 000 yuan, but later she found that there was a discount on the price of 210000 yuan. 183800 yuan was actually ten thousand yuan cheaper. She couldn't accept it and just wanted to return the car.

But the 4S store refused to refund the deposit and insisted on following the contract. Ms. Ding retorted that what she wanted to buy was obviously a new car, but now it was a second-hand car, and the 4S store was suspected of fraud. Why not return the car to her? Finally, after the reporter's coordination, Shaoxing Hongao agreed to terminate the contract and refund Ms. Xu's deposit of 10,000 yuan.

Industry insiders said that this situation is not uncommon in the market. However, this practice of the 4S store is not for consumers, but to achieve the manufacturer's sales target in order to get a rebate. The lawyer also said that if Ms. Xu can provide evidence that the 4S store did not inform the second transfer of the car, she may be suspected of fraud and can ask for a refund of one to three.

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