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The ModelS battery burns after the American Tesla car owner's accident.

2024-05-16 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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According to US media reports, a US Tesla owner was killed in a fatal car accident in Florida on Sunday, but to the police's surprise, the lithium battery driven by Tesla ModelS was still burning for more than 24 hours after the accident.


The Tesla owner was driving a ModelS on the road at about 16:30 that afternoon when the car suddenly deviated from the road. The owner failed to turn the steering wheel and the car lost control and was hit by a tree by the side of the road. Caused the car to catch fire and the owner's body could not be identified. At present, the local police are investigating the cause of the car losing control.

Tesla officials also responded quickly to the accident, saying they were contacting and cooperating with local police, who suspected that the fire caused by a high-speed driving collision was not limited to electric vehicles.

But unlike previous fuel car crashes, the Tesla burned at least three times after the accident, mostly related to lithium batteries.

At present, Tesla responded: "as it may ignite again, if the high-voltage battery of the immersed, caught fire or collided Model S is damaged, it should be stored in an open area with no people or objects around 50 feet (15 meters)." It is also suggested that the thermal imaging camera should be used to monitor the temperature of the car battery regularly to avoid battery accidents.

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